Where To Find Good Shopping Center Security Guards In Brisbane

Do you run a shopping center here in Brisbane and need security provided?
We at UR Protection Security can provide you with the following guards:
- Static guards
- Shopping center guards
- retail center guards
Some of the reasons why our clients employ our security services in Brisbane:
- Our guards help to prevent stealing, robbery or damage to your property and that of your tenants in the center
- Guards help to handle abusive behavior in and around the center to shoppers and tenants. Handles rude customers.
- Handle rude behavior from kids and prevent violence happening. Prevents gang fights.
- Ensure the car-parks are safe for patrons to use, especially at night for night shoppers.
- Ensure disability parking is safe
- Make sure emergency services are called in time for shopping center patrons.
- Make sure guards are trained to administrate first aid to patrons when and if required.
- Help elderly shoppers if needed.
- Guards will always work with management
How will guards work with center management?
The guards we provide will always
- Follow shopping center procedures and policies
- Fill in reports hourly
- Report timely to management
- Wear professional attire
- Have great communicative skills
- Always treat center clients with respect
- Man the guard monitor room
- Monitor the radio and CCTV for security incidents
What are the hours a small center will be open?
Most centers will be open between the hours of 9am to 9pm. We can provide security for these hours. We also provide after hour security as well.
Do you provide 24 hour night and day patrol?
Yes we provide security patrols 24 hours, especially over weekends and public holidays.
Our patrol cars will come by your center and place security stickers in the exit doors, check for any break and enters on the property.
If a door is found to be opened or a window broken into we will call the center management immediately, place a guard to take care of the insecure premises, fill in an incident report. If the police need to be informed this will be done. The guard will stay on duty until the door or window is fixed. If this is over the weekend the guard will be rotated so that there is always security present on the premises while the entrance is insecure.
How long does it take for a guard car to respond to an alarm going off on the premises?
Generally it will take approximately 30 minutes to get a security guard out to check why the alarm went off.
Security cars will do night patrols on premises as per the clients request. You as the client can request that a car calls by your business at least once or as many times you need a night.
Other Types Of Security Services Provided:
- Commercial Building Security
- Industrial Building Security
- Residential Building Security
- Construction Sites Security